Many people snore on a nightly basis, which might present itself as a serious problem, especially to those who have sleeping partners. Snoring is more than just an irritating noise however, it can disrupt sleep cycles when not put into check. Luckily, we’ve made a guide on the top rated snoring mouthpieces on the market currently, giving you peace of mind with your purchase.
Sometimes it’s hard to find out if you have this problem or not, as it only happens when people are asleep. Seeing a doctor about it can also help alleviate this, so be sure to do that in addition to buying a mouthpiece.
![]() | Good Morning Snore Solution |
![]() | Tranquillam Sleep |
![]() | ZYPPAH |
![]() | Rezeal |
![]() | ZQuiet |
5 Top-Rated Snoring Mouthpiece Solutions Reviews
Good Morning Snore Solution – Editor’s Choice
- Focus on comfort
- One-size-fits-all solution
One of the most important aspects of a mouthpiece to take into consideration is how comfortable it fits your mouth. Some might not fit as well and tend to feel unpleasant when wearing them, so one with customization might be a good fit for you. The Good Morning Snore Solution can accomplish just that, by having both quality and comfort in one package.
This product a good fit as it has recommendations across the board from sleep clinics and doctors. It also doesn’t need any configuring whatsoever, as its design allows it to fit in most mouths as a one-size fits all solution.
Sleepers should be able to rest assured with this, as it was designed for comfort, using safe materials in its build to bring sleepers a pleasant experience. If you’re in the market for a mouthpiece that should perform exceedingly well, you might want to look into this product.
Tranquillam Sleep – Custom Mold
This custom mouthpiece has a variety of uses, including snore reduction. This specially designed material was made to mold directly to the sleeper’s teeth and helps to prevent tooth grinding, as well as toothaches.
This device was made to give sleepers a better night’s rest. To use it, all customers need to do is warm a pot of water between 150 and 170 degrees Fahrenheit, then drop the mouthpiece into the water for 45 seconds. Using tongs, they should remove it from the water, wait a few moments, and put it in their mouth to mold it to their bite.
Many customers have reported that this product has helped reduce snoring at night, and while it is not specifically made with this intention, it is definitely an added benefit that snorers can take advantage of. The brand says that this mouthpiece can be used as a quality mouth guard for athletes participating in contact sports.
ZYPPAH – Tongue Restraint
- Snug fit
This product is one that has been endorsed by celebrities and has even been covered on some nightly news station. Restraining the tongue is one major factor that can help eliminate snoring altogether, so getting a product that does well in that category is key. The ZYPPAH Anti Snoring Hybrid Oral Appliance Mouthpiece aims to help with this, helping to take control over the tongue and stopping it from constricting airways.
This works by molding to your teeth to create a snug fit, then keeping the tongue away from airways, so as to stop snoring. The design should be comfortable to use, depending on how your mouth is shaped, and give you a better night’s rest.
It also uses a patented Snoring Eliminator elastic to better help control this, meaning it should do well for those who suffer from severe snoring.
Rezeal – Tongue Sleeve
- One-size-fits-all
- Effective tongue sleeve
Design matters a lot for these sorts of products, as it determines how effective it will work, as well as determining the overall comfort and size. Generally speaking, most brands take a one-size-fits-all approach with their models, ensuring that most fit, along with adding tongue securement technology to reduce trouble. The Mouth Type Anti Snoring Tongue Device does just this, using a special tongue sleeve design that should allow users to sleep quietly.
Made from transparent silicone, this has a tongue tube that secures your tongue via suction to keep it from blocking your throat’s airway. This is key to helping snorers stay quiet and could potentially give you both you and your sleeping partner a better night’s rest.
If you’re worried about convenience, don’t fret, as this should be fairly easy to use, having a somewhat intuitive design that removes complication and confusion for ease of access.
ZQuiet – Multiple Sizes
- 2 sizes available
Size is an important factor to think about, as a one-size-fits-all approach may not always work for everyone. After all, mouths tend to vary in size and what fits one might not fit the other, which is why it might be important to look into a brand that offers multiple sizes for convenience. The ZQuiet® Comfort System Starter Kit hones in on this aspect, coming in a variety of sizes to tailor make your own experience.
The two sizes are 6mm and 2mm respectively, and these also come with a carrying case for storage. Not only should this be effective at stopping snoring, but it should be able to fit a wide variety of mouths, which means it might be better for you if you somehow lucked out with a one-size-fits-all model.
Of course, if you need help picking out the right size, you could always see your dentist, who might have some advice for you and can measure your jaw to see which dimension works best.
What Causes Snoring?
This is a widespread problem that many people go through, but its causes are generally well known and definitely can be prevented. It happens when the snorer’s nose and throat aren’t properly circulating air due to being obstructed, most of the time by the sleeper’s tongue. The vibrations from this create the sound we all know as snoring.
So the biggest factor here is making sure that none of your airways are obstructed, which should help to give you a quieter rest.
Related: Best Mattress for Snoring & Best Pillows for Snoring
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
This is usually when your breathing stops and starts periodically while you sleep. Throat muscles that contract and expand many times throughout the night can create this problem by blocking the sleepers airways.
Swelling is also one contributing factor to snoring. A swollen uvula can cause many problems and can easily obstruct an airway when agitated. Many times, this can occur while one is pregnant as well, or if said person is reacting to allergies.
Extra Weight
Excess neck weight can definitely contribute to it, as the added fat can block your throat and cause problems while you sleep.
Related: Sleep & Obesity
This factor can also make people more susceptible to “sawing logs” at night, as many tend to put on more weight as they age, thus making it a larger problem as time progresses.
Nasal Shape or Congestion
The shape of your nose along with congestion can contribute to the condition. Both of these features can work together in making airflow worse than usual. Congestion can clog up the nose and throat, making it harder to breathe efficiently, while nasal shape can contribute to whether or not the sleeper suffers from this problem.
Alcohol or Other Sedatives
Alcohol tends to relax the muscles in your neck and jaw, meaning that they may slacken and become less tight, creating more blockage in the airway. Snorers can counter this by simply not consuming alcohol before bed, as drinking too late in the evening might put them at a greater risk for this problem.
Sleeping Position
Everybody has their own way of sleeping, with some people on their back or stomach or side, which definitely can give you a different experience and some sleeping positions may contribute more to this problem than others.
Types of Anti-Snore Mouthpieces and Mouthguards
As expected, there are different types that will undoubtedly give you a different experience when used. Determining which one is right for you and your mouth is going to take a little bit of research ahead of time. You should be well familiar with the differences between Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) and tongue retaining devices (TRD) and which one is right for you.
If you’re ever unsure, speak with your dentist/doctor beforehand.
Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD)
The MAD works differently than most other devices, as it mainly operates on moving the person’s jaw forward. This may sound odd, but it’s actually very beneficial in reducing snoring and isn’t as horrifying as it sounds on paper. As one of the main culprits in snoring is your tongue, this might be the first place to start when considering ways to reduce it.
Generally, these will be fitted into your mouth and mold to your teeth, acting as a proper support and platform for them. Typically this will come in three sub-types, all of which will vary and some might be more helpful to your mouth than others, so pay close attention to this aspect when making a decision before you buy.
Custom Dental MAD’s are tailor made to your mouth by a sleep specialist or dentist and tend to have the best fit, as they’re specially shaped for you. As you can tell, these will also be pretty expensive.
Semi-custom MAD’s are generally molds that a person takes of their mouth and has them sent in to be made specifically for them.
Boil and bite devices can generally be purchased either online or directly through a pharmacy.
Tongue Retaining Devices (TRD)
These devices vary from the former in many aspects. If you’re thinking about getting one, you should be fully aware of whether it is right for you or not. It’s always best to get a professional opinion and a second opinion as well, which can really help you decide if this is the best approach you should take.
With that being said, you should know what TRDs are. If MADs work by pulling the jaw forward, these take a similar but different approach by pulling your tongue forward. While this sounds like a medieval torture device, it’s not.
Typically the process is rather pain-free, resulting only in a little bit of discomfort at first but after several nights sleepers get used to it. This approach is achieved through a gentle suction, which acts as the restraining tool in keeping the tongue away from the back of the throat. Once properly set into your mouth, it should work throughout the night.
Because there are differences between the two devices, knowing them in full detail can really help you make a much more informed choice when you’re about to buy a product. As always, you should definitely ask your dentist if you’re ever stuck, as they can help to eliminate frustration.
Snoring Mouthpieces Buyer’s Guide
Consider Speaking to a Doctor and Dentist
Don’t forget that this is your body about. Anything that involves something physical should always be supported and checked with a trained medical professional. Your dentist or doctor should know the best way to alleviate any issue related to this problem.
Be sure to ask them about anything you’re not fully knowledgeable about, as it could be dangerous if you don’t. Also, be aware that you do not need a prescription to get one of these devices.
Decide on a Mouthpiece Type
You should know what each type does and what it’s best for in order to decide on what is right for you. This can be a bit tricky, so don’t feel afraid to talk to a medical professional trained in this area, as it can erase a lot of stress.
Weigh the Importance of Adjustability
Do you need a mouthpiece that can be adjusted? Decide if that’s right for you, as it could potentially be convenient if you ever need it. Some can be adjusted, while other brands cannot, so it’s vital that you check product descriptions ahead of time.
Think About Preferred Breathing Method
How you breathe at night also has an impact on which you choose, as some are better suited to specific methods and may not work properly for others.
Set a Realistic Budget
Budget is also very important to consider, as you may not want to spend too much on one. Comparing and contrasting brands to see which is right might be best.
Check for Denture Compatibility (if Needed)
Not everyone needs this step, but if you do wear dentures, you should check the manufacturer or the description to see if it is.
Consider Teeth Grinding Issues
If you grind your teeth, this could pose a problem to most devices. If this is something relevant to you, it may be important to check if yours is resistant to this habit.
Determine a Maintenance and Care Plan
Making sure that your mouthpiece is taken care of for a long time is important because it could save you from having to replace it in the future. As wear and tear are inevitable, especially with something that’s for your teeth, you won’t always have them in perfect condition, but you can help elongate the lifespan by taking proper care.
Be sure to read the instructions fully and check with a healthcare professional to get extra advice on caring for your product. Making a plan is a great start to keeping yours in good quality. You might also want to invest in a carrying case, as this can definitely help when traveling with them from place to place or storing it during the day.
Look at Trial, Warranty, and Certifications
These features are going to vary from product to product and some will have better ones than others. Be sure to check with your product’s manufacturer to see what is offered.
A trial is simply a time window where you can try yours out and see if you like them. Some offer this along with a full refund if you don’t like it.
This will depend on the manufacturer and place of purchase, as some might only cover process defects, while others might be more involved. The length of the warranty will vary between brands.
These can tell you of the quality of your purchase and whether it has passed certain tests. Usually, this information is always made available online.
Pros and Cons of Using a Snoring Mouthpiece
Pros of Using a Mouthpiece
Cost Effective
These can be quite inexpensive compared to other methods of reducing snoring, like surgery. This might be great for budget-minded consumers.
Along with being generally comfortable, usually, these also tend not to produce much noise and can dampen sounds quite a bit.
Limited Maintenance
These types of products don’t really need too much maintenance, as long as you take proper care of them. They’re ready to slip into your mouth most of the time without much prep.
Potential Cons of Using a Mouthpiece
Might Not Work For all
While a mouthpiece does tend to work for most, there’s always a chance that it may not work for you. There are alternatives if this does happen, however.
Side Effects of Using a Mouthpiece
You may experience side effects from use which include excessive salivation, dry mouth, and ulcers. If any of these happen, see a medical expert.
While these generally are durable and last a good while, you may find an issue with having to replace yours every few years.
Additional Considerations When Buying a Snoring Mouthpiece
TSD/MAD and Sleep Apnea
For those suffering from sleep apnea, you might want to do more research on how TSD/MAD devices may affect you. These may or may not cause long term problems that should be taken into consideration when choosing a product. They also might be beneficial for your condition, which only a doctor or dentist can tell you.
As usual, if you’re entirely unsure about this, you may want to read more into it and get a professional opinion. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your own health and wellbeing.
Additional Options if Mouthpieces Don’t Work
Sometimes more traditional devices may not work, which is okay because there are alternatives you can look into for peace of mind.
Pap Machines
As sleep apnea is a common problem, PAP machines are a common form of treatment. If you are suffering from this condition, you may want to consider this as an option.
The way these machines work is through an application of what is called positive airway pressure, which helps to make sure that your throat is kept open as you sleep. Generally, these use only one single pressure setting, which differs from a BiPAP machine, which has two.
They can be a valuable form of treatment, so see if they are right for you by asking for professional advice.
Explore our picks for the best CPAP machines.
This works very similarly to a CPAP machine, only that it comes with two pressure settings instead of one. Sometimes CPAP pressure can make it difficult exhale, which might make a BiPAP a better alternative.
Because of the duality, an inhalation pressure setting and a setting for lower exhalation pressure, it might be more comfortable for you to use. Gathering as much information as you can about these two products can help you make a more well-informed decision.
Adjustable Bed
An adjustable base can help in improving respiratory airflow by propping your neck up while sleeping. With a different angle, you could significantly reduce blockage and improve your breathing. It might also put more gravity on your tongue, making it less likely to block your throat.
There are various different kinds of top rated adjustable bed frames on the market, so shoppers may want to compare and contrast brands to make sure they are making the right purchase.
Trying A Different Pillow
Sometimes it’s easy to fix your problems by just using a different pillow. The one you are using right now might not be giving you enough support for your neck and contributing to sleep problems without you knowing it.
A good way of testing this is to use both sides of the pillow and see how you feel. If you can, try to get another person’s opinion on how much noise you make at night with each or record yourself sleeping.
Mouthpieces can be a great fix for snoring and serve as a good alternative to surgery or earplugs for your sleeping partner. Not having a quiet place to sleep at night can severely disrupt cycles and make one exhausted during the day, which makes it imperative that you acknowledge the problem early on and attempt to fix it.
As there are a large number of different brands and models on the market, it can seem a bit daunting deciding on which type you want. Your healthcare practitioner can also help you make this decision if you’re entirely confused on where to start. Hopefully, this guide has helped you on your way to a better night’s rest.
More Reading:
- What Causes People to Snore? How Can You Treat it?
- Tongue and Throat Exercises to Help You With Sleep Apnea & Snoring
- These Celebrities Have Sleep Apnea – Did You Know?

Melanie Kassel
Performance Editor
About Author
As Sleep Advisor’s Performance Editor, Melanie writes and edits content throughout the site to ensure it’s accurate, engaging, and up-to-date.
Combination Sleeper